Complimentary Co-brand Benchmarking Review
When was the last time you did a comprehensive, cross-bank benchmarking of your cobrand/private label program? This discipline can lead to big insights, identify product and performance gaps and make your program work harder to achieve your company's broader strategic goals. It is the first step we complete with all of our clients at Partner Advisors. This effort is of no cost to your company and will help you better understand existing opportunities.
Below is a general overview of our benchmarking process.
- Program performance review: Quantitative performance benchmarking along key performance dimensions including penetration, activation, spend, and other metrics relative to other retail and non-retail cobrand credit cards.
- Bank P&L: our estimate of the issuer’s P&L and commentary on key drivers; discussion of alternative participation models for finance to consider. This is important to understand to hit valuation levers.
- Agreement review: identification of key strengths and weaknesses of contracts with both issuer and payment network, with a focus on key areas of member value, control over the program, financial terms, and exit/portfolio conveyance terms.
- Strategy going forward:
- Our projection of quantitative and qualitative program value (i.e. upside);
- Product line changes we would recommend further exploring;
- Marketing channel expansion opportunities;
- Other resources and bandwidth required to “win” in this space in the real world.
- Other payment vehicles to consider beyond credit
- Issuer & payment network considerations
- Detailed workplan and steps to get there
Please complete the form below to get started!
Or call (781) 263-1984 to speak with a PA Team Member.